mr. royle: the scene on caribbean soul was somber. mr. helley was laying in the cockpit, and everybody, obviously, was very, very distraught. murphy: back on island, shelley was pronounced dead. an autopsy was conducted at a local funeral home, the cause of death drowning. the medical examiner ruled it an accident. swain was free to leave tortola and return to his own little island of jamestown, rhode island, to try to settle back into the routine he held for years of running his dive shop, but now without his shelley. years later, though, he would return tortola, but this time in handcuffs. craig melvin: coming up called an accident, could that drowning have been deliberate? a dramatic re-enactment on tape of that day in the deep. ms. lisa tyre: we have now found out what we wanted to find out. craig melvin: when dateline continues. ms. tondorf: when we came home and looked at the phone my kids can't hide anything from me. i'm home! especially when they've been using toilet paper that doesn't hold up. hold it, mister! here's new charmin u