mr. turkey. you will die now. prepare to meet your maker." here's the thing about hunting. the likelihood of me successfully shooting even the stupidest animal on camera are being gracious to anybody or adam sandlercorn is going to land in front of me and shower me with candy and vicodins before i shoot a freakin' turkey on camera. [ gunshot ] that shot you heard was me shooting a producer in the calf and telling him to hobble over to the piggly wiggly for a frozen gobbler before he bleeds out. and like magic, behold. turkey. slow, slow barbecue turkey with all the sides you want and need. what do we got going on here, chef? >> sean: pig's feet and collared greens. >> anthony: oh damn. >> sean: pickled pigs feet and collared greens. >> anthony: oh yes. >> sean: and then barbecue cole slaw, some potato salad with ramps, baked red peas. >> anthony: mm-hmm, oh there's my weakness right there. >> sean: and we made you some very special bright orange mac and cheese. >> anthony: mac and cheese. i do love bright orange mac and cheese, as you know. and that's a turkey. >> sean: yup. >> anthony: let that be a lesson to you. >> jeff: like going to grandma's house. >> anthony: mike lata from fig is here and