mr. sandyer son will you please meet with the parents that just spoke they're in need of interpreters so, please interpreters would be mind helping mr. sandyer son he is in charge and w will take the information from the parent and speak to the educational placement center thank you very much mr. san leandroer son. okay item k advisory committee any committee appointments to be announced by board members seeing none, special order of business may we have a motion and second for the 2014-2015 local control and other plan for the san francisco county of education and the san francisco unified school district who will read the recommendation into the record >> so moved. >> thank you president fewer i'd like to ask superintendent to read it. >> so the requested action is that the board of education approves the other plan or l cap for the san francisco county of education and san francisco unified school district keeping fiscal year 2014-2015 through 2016-2017 subject to annual updates. so actually, i think the 2016 yeah, that's correct if i can provide a little bit of information regarding t