mr. sasse: one of the fundamental purposes of this body is to debate, debate the biggest issues facing our nation and to do so in an honorable way. the senate is for debate, but not as an abstraction. it is to be addressing and ultimately solving the meatiest challenges that the constitution demands that we tackle. unfortunately, a great deal of our debate is weak and embarrassing. much of it falls off the trivial side of the cliff or the shrill side of the cliff. during my time serving nebraskans in this place i hope to be aligned with those who want fighting and debating in this place, but it needs to be meaningful fighting. it needs to be honorable, honest debating. to that end, there is a terrific column this week by pete with wr in commentary magazine. partly because it is about daniel patrick moynihan, partly because it is about c.s. lewis, and partly because it is just darned good exhortation to us. waner begins while reading greg weiner's fascinating book i came across this comment, --