mr. schauer: exactly right. ms. wasserman schultz: stock up. mr. schauer: the point is, there is no good answer. so we as democrats have to look at, we have to scour the law, all of our laws, and look at by american provisions and make sure there are no loopholes like these that allow our tax dollars to create jobs in other countries. it's not just china, there are t-shirts, i think it was made in honduras and so forth. ms. wasserman schultz: -- ms. jackson lee: would the gentleman yield for a quick, quick comment? that very product, t-shirts and hats, just fits right in with small and medium-sized businesses, the very businesses that make jobs. i yield to the gentleman for a response on that. isn't in the kind of product that fit right into the small businesses of america? mr. schauer: i was in michigan at a small business appreciation dinner and i took the hat, took the key chain, i said, can anyone here make these? hands went up. i mean, we can make these things, we do, and in fact, when i testified before the house ways and means committee on th