mr. schock for the measures to bring this forward to the house today. i ask all my colleagues to support it and pass it. i do reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. will you take all conversations off the floor, please? the gentleman from texas, for what purpose do you rise? >> i rise in support of this measure. i rise in reluctant support of the pleasure, asking for its approval, because without approval, a federal funding for direct assistance to needy families will expire on new year's eve. my reluctance, and i yield myself such time as i need. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. >> my reluctant is on the incompleteness of this. in september, republicans declined to extend this necessary funding for more than three months. now they extend it only for another nine months, ensuring that during the hype of the 2012 campaign season next year, they'll have the opportunity to blame the poor for whatever questionable anecdote arises in the meantime. this reduces the ability to plan and to reform. i