mr. schrader: i recognize the gentleman for one minute. mr. blumenauer: i appreciate all my colleagues who represent the oregon coast in bringing this forward. my district may not touch the oregon coast but my constituents spend time there and value its beauty, the ecosystem and the economic benefits it brings to the united states. the underlying bill could allow an expedited drilling for offshore oil, a process that is expedited for those who would drill, but a process that is much worse for citizens who may object. we need to continue to respect the wishes of the people of oregon to keep oil rigs off our shores to drill off the coast of oregon. this is an appropriate safeguard to protect our coastal communities. and i yield back. the chair: the gentleman from oregon reserve? mr. schrader: reserves. the chair: who seeks time? the gentleman from colorado is recognized. mr. gardner: when i was seeking the opportunity to ask the gentleman to yield, section 328 applies to any offshore projects authorized under the outer continental shelf lands ac