mr. schueler? mr. schueler, aye. ms. bass. ms. bass, aye. ms. bonamici? ms. bonamici, aye. mr. chairman? >> no. >> mr. chairman, no. mr. garrett? mr. garrett, no. >> are there any other members looking to vote tore change their vote? if not, the clerk sha report. >> mr. chairman on that vote, ayes 13, nos are 20. >> nos have it. the amendment is not agreed to. are there further amendments? it's, ms. kaefcastor, i think. isn't it? yeah, i do, but i just want to get -- yeah. go ahead and offer -- >> thank you, mr. chairman. >> so the amendment offered by ms. castor, amendment at the deck. >> i have an amendment at the desk. gent. lady from florida? >> amendment offered by ms. castor relating to medicare. gentle lady is recognized nine minutes. >> thank you, mr. chairman. mr. chairman, in addition to the republican plan that breaks the promise of medicare and ends medicare as we know it, the republicans also propose to raise the cost of prescription drugs and slash the smart, new benefits and popular consumer reforms that have been in place for two years now, and are working very