mr. scovel -- thank you. mr. scovel, you mentioned something, i think, that is likely not related to this particular issue. it may well be related. certainly is related to safety. the issue of outsourcing maintenance. tell me, again, your testimony about that and your judgment about it. the reason i ask the question is you suggested that the evidence is that there is a greater outsourcing of maintenance among commuters then the major carriers. although what i have -- what i have understood about major carriers is that an increasing amount of their maintenance is now outsourced. >> you are correct, m r. chairman. major carriers are outsourcing an increasing amount of all of their maintenance whereas formerly they did it in-house. among regional carriers our research says that among 50% of maintenance needed by regional carriers is now being outsourced. my office says examined out source maintenance in 2003 and 2005, 2008, a key finding of ours is that the new risk-based safety oversight system for repair stations i