mr. seacat, will you tell us your full name please. >> brett theodore seacat. >> at his own request, no video audio recording only. as brett set out, with confidence, to tell the jury what happened beginning 21 hours or so before the fire. >> on that morning when i said goodbye, she said see you tonight and actually gave me a big kiss, which i thought was odd. >> why did you think that was odd? >> um, because in the last week, week and a half, we had been back and forth about 50 times on divorce, and so it just let me know that we were back on the not divorce track. >> by the time he returned to the house that evening, said brett, things had changed. >>> i couldn't figure out why she was -- she was in a big hurry to get a divorce, which was something that had never happened before. i told her we haven't really much. my angle in the discussion was, i'll give you a collaborative divorce if we work on the marriage for three to six months. >> brett said vashti seemed to agree to that, especially when he made it clear what he would do if she went forward with the divorce right then. >> basically,