mr. sellars has made it clear, wal-mart would never have the opportunity to prove that they did not discriminate against the woman seeking back pay. the district court did not suggest that this would be difficult, the district court said that he found this would be impossible, not just because of the number of people but the nature of the claims. this discretionary decision was being implemented in a way that affect different people differently, and the problem here is that the records are not available. then he said we will have a proceeding with the district judge, only on the record that he says is inadequate. this is not a process that comports with due process and it takes away the rights of wal- mart under title 7, injuring the rights of the individual women. >> you are not content that the plaintiff, if the policy fights discrimination, the woman could not say that they put an x in. i had far superior job ratings, with no criticisms of my work, and i was not promoted. would this not be enough to show that the policy shows a lack of selection, and your personal data base has this, so why i