mr. shaller read that, and that was the end of the shaller site. so we started looking further afield for something that would fit. we needed 3 or 400 acres, we needed access, we needed water, we needed, actually, a place where you could build a small city to support this crowd of potentially 200,000 people for three days. and we weren't finding it. and one weekend john and joel were riding around in the catskills and saw a sign off route 17 which said mills industrial site for rent. and it was for rent. [laughter] and they found it, and mills was willing to represent it, i think, for $10,000. they agreed on the spot, and then they called me and said, look, we've agreed but can always back out. you've got to look at it, it's not exactly what you're looking for, not exactly what you've described. and they went through this whole thing, so i knew i was in trouble. but i went up to look at it anyway, and it was horrible. it was an industrial site and would require an immense amount of work to give the feeling that we wanted when people arrived. but it