so the change that mr. shen pointed out is that if the language starting on the third full sentence, which is on the third line, that says under state law, a candidate must file her or her nomination papers no later than the 8t 88th day prioo the election. if that were struck, that would make this sentence a complete sentence and it would make it accurate. the sentence would only read, unless the deadline to file nomination papers is extended pursuant to california elections code 10220. that doesn't make it a full sentence. >> no, that's not a full sentence. >> if you combine that with the immediately preceding sentence and join them with a comma. it would say the candidate may not withdraw or amend his or her statement after the deadline for filing nomination papers, unless the deadline to file nomination is extended. >> you're deleting the cause under state law they must file no later than 88 days prior to the election? >> yes. >> deleting that. >> yes, because for the candidates who can participate in public