mr. everson. 157 times suleman, you know this shullman, he goes over there. can you because you know the job. is there anything on earth that could get him in that white house 157 times? can you give me any reason? >> well, i think he bungled his question badly. >> no, just your opinion. is there anything that would drive an irs commissioner over to the white house 157 times? >> well, the administration was considering tax reform and also healthcare in which the service has a major role. so, the service needs to be part of conversations about what is going to happen if that bill becomes law, so that's totally legitimate. but what i did do, bill, last year i testified before the expressed concern about the service being wrapped up in the affordable care act. just the conversation we are having right now, it can create a perception that the irs duties have somehow changed to such a degree that they lose their historic independence. and every commissioner knows once you walk in those doors you have got to assume a total independence. so that sometimes call thing