mr. john wagner, excuse me, it's also been before the subcommittee for. we pressure his attendance today. is the deputy assistant director of the u.s. customs and border protection and brenda spraguey assistant secretary for passport services at the department of state, and mr. shawn bray was the director of interpol washington. united states national central bureau. i will more formally introduce them in just a moment. but let me recognize myself for an opening statement here this morning. and first of all of course let me start by saying all of us must and prayers are with the families of those killed and wounded at fort hood, a terrible, terrible incident that them in in my ranking member's state of texas. and certainly as we begin the very to school -- difficult task of what went wrong with be mindful to support the men and women who wear the uniform not only been overseas but certainly when they get, when they return home as well. this morning we're going to be talking about travel document security which is the cornerstone of the united states' effort to secure our homeland, it's integral to pushing our borders out, the building of terrorists and others who seek to do is har