mr. springer: that is a good question. i am going to stall. [laughter] mr. springer: stall some more. time is up -- have a great one. no. [laughter] mr. springer: generally, the threshold for an act of war is in the recipient's eyes. if canada launches a border incursion, and let's be honest, 90% of the canadian population lives near the border. they are poised to attack. [laughter] mr. springer: if a couple canadian hunters wander across the border and are trying to shoot a deer but shoot my cousin instead, that is not an act of war, it is an accident. the u.s. government is looking for an opportunity to pick a fight with canada, in which case they would make a big deal about it. when it comes to cyber incursion what secretary of defense robert , gates said, was the u.s. reserves the right to reciprocate for any kind of cyber attack. and we do not say we will restrict ourselves to the cyber domain. so we are saying if you do anything in cyber that we can possibly call an act of war, and we think it is to our advantage, we will call it an act of war. for me, an act of war either needs