that, steve, and bring in steven stanley, chief economist of rbs, and north american economist at b and p parabomb. nice to have you. steve, what impressed you most about mr. bernanke's speech, being pibilled as the most optimistic in the year. is that overselling or not? >> the only thing he talked about in terms of the current situation was one paragraph. it was really kind of a slapping himself on the back, and giving the fed credit for having helped brought us through this crisis. more of a retrospective than a prospective look. but, yeah, i mean, we're coming out of it. the economy is stabilizing, and we are likely to see growth in the second half of the year. so, you know, i certainly agree with bernanke's characterization. >> what do you think, brian? >> again, i think that's quite right. i think bernanke had to -- the chairman had to actually point out all of the problems that existed, the panics that we went through, the fact that he was so innovative and creative, and in the process. and basically, where we are. we're at this point -- we're growth resuming, it's likely to be relatively slow. we probably will have employment problems maybe for an