mr. stansburg 74 thousand secret and the new c of a residential story building with 3 hundred and 26 dwelling units and 4 shared car spaces and off-street spaces and bicycle spaces and an additional one hundred and 47 parking spaces it consists of 9, 3 bedroom units and 2 bedroom units and one hundred and 10 studio unions the proposed project has common open space for 73 units via private places and plaza it will incorporate a dog park underneath the offer pass on 30th street today, the department has received a few correspondents that primarily express support and earlier today the rec and park adapted the ordinance which need that the additional shadows will not be adverse the project will address the payment of the affordable housing fee the staff is in agreement with the proposed modification given the outstanding unit design after analyzing all aspects of the project the staff recommends approval it complies with the american people waterfront area plan and the project is located in a zoning district where it is permitted and has upgrades of bulb out and sidewalk shaping and dog park it