. >> mr. starr, i have a question for you. i really like the 1948 book and i kind of think it's what we should try to go back to. it actually has, in terms of industrial or manufacture, it has light and heavy, which is sort of what we have now in terms of pdr. and it has the basic things, residential, commercial, and i would think public is probably in there, maybe it isn't, but those would be the categories i could think of. i don't qui understand en we went to article 7 with neighborhood commercial districts. why couldn't they have been a subcategory of types of commercial district under article 2, which existed before, i guess? >> the way article 2 is structured, the use definitions are integrated into the chart. it's hard to explain without going through it, but it's divided up, even the industrial uses. it's not simply light industrial or heavy industrial. it lists every type of use and whether that use is permitted in the districts. a lot of it is redundant. so, i think the idea was to get rid of some of that redundancy