mr. stearns: mr. speaker, good morning. i rise in opposition to the senate bill, 3874, that was introduced by barbara boxer of california. the reduction of lead in drinking water act and urge my colleagues to do likewise. i want to be clear that simply by opposing this bill i do not support lead in drinking water, obviously. let's clear the air on that. rather, i'm opposed to the manner in which this bill tackles a problem and simply, mr. speaker, the unintended consequences that could result. so bear with me. this legislation allows lead allowed in the manufacturing of certain plumbing fixtures that come in contact with water that all americans drink. however, reports in "the washington post" and testimony before congress suggests that lead service lines are the biggest culprit of leaked lead. people should not mistake this bill as a panacea when other actions like corrosion protection and treatment including some lead line replacement have just as much, if not more, impact on what this legislation p