mr. steerforth. i wish to send a telegram. that is what we are here for, sir. but first i wish to ascertain that you can be trusted in this matter. sir, i am employed by her majesty the queen. she seems to trust me. i have signed the pledge before our squire, and he seemed to find me honorable enough. i noticed that you have mr. cochrane in your employ. and i am glad of it. he is a fine craftsman. i sincerely hope you do not have cause to regret your generosity. of course, if you would prefer to travel over to inglestone, i can assure you the post office there is without blemish. these are vital matters of banking business. and they will be treated with the same respect that is shown to a message sent from a housemaid telling her mother she will soon be home. that is... utmost respect. that will be three and sixpence, please. as soon as you receive a reply, i can be found at the golden lion. good day to you, sir. ma'am, did you notice how he kept his hat on and how baggy his trousers were? and he had cold eyes. unhumanly eyes. i seen 'em myself. what did mr. st