abandon those things which made this great we are very much in jeopardy of losing it all. >> now, mr. stein-- i use the word recluse, and maybe i'm wrong. >> i use that word, to. >> will he be going on tour? >> see absolutely well. he is one of those rare authors who has said test before, you know, why would i be on tv if i don't have a book to promote. wonderful words to year as a publisher. very excited about promoting the book. he is a terrific spokesperson, just witty and funny and incisive. you know, because what he is saying is so frightening and devastating, you need and a little humor and wit to make it palatable, and he has that perfect combination of all those things. >> marji ross is that publisher of regnery, well-known as a conservative political imprint, but they have a new project coming up, and it is called 54 history. marji ross, what is this about? >> very excited about watching and the books on history, military history and american history in particular. we published books in the past, and they have done quite well, the occasional history book, but we realize that th