mr. said there was light penetrating all the way down, and wednesday again, i'm having a hard time paying attention. can you illuminate, no pun intended, why you said that, because i look at an 11, 12 story building, and i'm way down at the bottom. what kind of light can i expect if that's my only window? >> you know, you'd be surprised when you paint light wells a very light color, and the western sun will reflect off of our building back into their building, that you'd be really surprised. i didn't bring the photo, but they have light wells on the other side that are true light wells matching the other people's light wells, and they're already living with that situation, and the light in those light wells is not bad. >>vice president richards: so my -- are we to expect that you're going to paint the light well a reflecting color so it maximizes the amount of light that they get? >> yes. we will commit to that, as well. >>vice president richards: thank you. commissioner moore mo. >>co