mr. gruber. next speaker, please. >> peter strauss. >> thank you. good afternoon. peter straw peter strauss. i'm very concerned with the struggles of the taxi industry, but there are a lot of things that we like in this budget from a tran ssit perspective. we really like doing a day pass, we like the reduction in the a-pass price. we'd like to see that go to zero differential. we like that there's some recognition of the need for -- to better address the budgetary concerns of families, you know, that's reflected in some of the visitor past proposals, and we'd like to see that recognition of family needs addressed in other parts of the budget. but the main thing that i want to address today is the prop b fund. and we very strongly urge you to take a portion of the operating funds and use it for the operating budget. we feel it's very essential that the mta move into a mode of budgeting for expansion of transit service, not just maintenance. it's very troubling to see -- well, you didn't hear about it today, but the only proposals the staff suggested to us is there are efficiencies that would