mr. sweeney finished the meeting, he should have sent the application downstairs, not only to planning but to mechanical, electrical. the san francisco unified school district needed $1.75 times the square footage to renew. that is a lot of money. none of the other fees were collected by your department. you guys are talking here about $4 million of uncollected permit or fees on vacant buildings, and now within your own department you are passing up fees. there is nothing in the code that gives you that authority. everything that has happened since might have been fine, we do not know that. but how it began, as nancy stated, the facts never change. they cannot ever change. the permit was null and void. the code said that. and permit issuance, application plans and specifications shall be reviewed by the building official. there were no plans. there were no specifications. it shall be reviewed by other departments. planchette, structural, you can submit after the fact calculations that demonstrate in a meet the 2010 building code, but that is supposed to happen in february and march. and th