mr. speaker, i rise today in support of h.r. 402, a bill to designate the v.a. outpatient clinic in knoxville, tennessee, as the william c. tallent department of veterans' affairs outpatient clinic. i'm sorry. i'm confused on the order. are we doing the -- mr. filner: i apologize, mr. speaker. i thought we were on 1037, not 402. but we'll do -- mr. boozman: i apologize. i had the -- them out of order. mr. filner: it was my fault. with unanimous consent i'd like to continue on 1037 and then we'll go to the 402. mr. boozman: yes, very much so. mr. filner: i apologize. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. boozman: thank you, chairman filner. i rise in support of h.r. 1037 as amended, introduced by the distinguished chair of the subcommittee on economic opportunity, ms. herseth sandlin. the pilot college work study program for veterans act of 2009 would expand the number and types of work study positions at colleges and universities. the types of work study jobs that can be funded through the montgomery g.i. bill are too restrictive. expanding the types of jobs veterans can hold at schools benefits student veterans financi