mr. tangerly, before we start -- were you able to hear the entire early presentation? [ inaudible ] thank you. >>> the committee will now come to order. our second panel is the acting director -- acting administrator of the general service administration, mr. daniel m. tangherlini. mr. tangherlini was kind enough to call me almost immediately after his appointment, and we look forward to your opening statement and in light of the first panel, and your listening to that, your comments on changes you anticipate. with that, the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. >> good afternoon, chairman issa. >> i apologize. got to stick with the script. pursuant to the rules, all members will be sworn. would you please rise? do you solemnly swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? >> i do. >> let the record reflect, the witness answered in the affirmative. the gentleman is recognized. >> thank you. and good afternoon, chairman issa, ranking member cummings and members of the committee. my name is dan tanghe