mr. templeton submitted a proposal to provide a way to tap into those funds. and to also bring employment into this area. and to also give value to the lives and the residents of the people that are here. and also again provide a source of employment. the other thing that i would like to encourage you to do is as we have these huge development programs in the area. that are geared towards certain percentage of employment in hiring residents. that you also include professional services such as accounting and legal and real estate sales. and thank you for stretching the dollar as much as you have been able to. i know it's tough. we are counting on you to continue to do the good work you already have been doing. thank you. >> before we hear from supervisor farrell. i want to remind everyone in the audience, if you didn't get an opportunity to speak tonight. you definitely have an opportunity to speak with the supervisors. you have an opportunity to talk to other department heads at different times. continue, continue to advocate for your communities. and we apolo