mr. thacker. we learned three people lived here, his mom. and they were able to get out safely, with the help of a neighbor, who also called 911. >> the husband tried to go and get him and he can't get him to wake up. we can see it through the window. the window, like -- i don't know if someone burst it or if the fire caused it. doesn't really see the flames. i wanted to get back over there. my husband will cover his mouth with, so he could continue to go in. >> the cause of the fire is still under investigation, but officials tell us, they believe mr. thacker may have been smoking in bed. lebanon, megan moore, local 12 news. >> as we mentioned, 11 people have died so far this year. according to the red cross. smoke alarm helped one person get out alive this morning. this is important for you. if you need a smoke alarm, you could get one free from the red cross. here's the number to call. 513-579-3003. we will have the number in the red cross as well. the red cross will come to your home. they will install the necessary number of smoke alarms. >>> the idea of legal pot is not dead. the g