mr. theobald. >> good afternoon, mr. chairman and members of the commission. i want to thank you for the opportunity to testify before you today about the miami-dade police department's effort to combat mortgage fraud. facing a wave of mortgage fraud investigations, miami-dade county mayor carlos alvarez established the mayor's mortgage fraud task force in 2007. this public/private partnership use as comprehensive approach that blends legislative change, prevention, enforcement, regulation, and prosecution to reduce mortgage fraud and prevent victimization of individuals and businesses. according to the finsn, mortgage fraud is one of the fastest growing white-collar crimes in the united states. from 06 to '07 florida held the dubious distinction ranking first in the nation in mortgage fraud. according to the mortgage asset research institute. known as mari. miami-dade ranges in top five areas hit by that crime. number of suspicious activity reports from financial institutions reported by fnsn more than tripled from '04 over 17,000 to over 64,000 in 2008 and,