mr. thorson. >> okay. mr. thorson, in your testimony, you say that wamu failed because its management pursued a high risk business strategy that loosened underwriting too much. is it your your belief that high risk strategy could have been okay with strategies in place? >> i think by definition proper risk controls would say, yes, we can -- we can control that. so i guess to some degree, yes, you could say that. but the real life examples are, once you begin to institute those kind of policies and become much more lax -- and especially in underwriting which is really your safeguard. your final look before you do these packages, it's pretty hard to really understand what kind of system you'd put in place to control that. but i mean, in definition wise, yes, in the real world probably not. >> yeah. and also the amount is relative to the risky investments that you're procuring and selling. on page 6 of your testimony you said ots relied largely on wamu's accepted acceptances and it's boards of directors that probl