mr. tiberi: 15%. mr. latourette: ok.ow, what's going to happen when the majority party indicates that they're not going to take any action, again, they're not on the budget, they're not on the transportation bill, they're not on the commercial real estate side, when they fail to take action to extend those, senior citizens are paying 15% on the money they earn on interest and dividends, what's their tax rate going to be? mr. tiberi: it will go up 20% and depending on what rate they're on, that marginal rate will go up as well. mr. latourette: ok. so, the interesting thing, this leads to some of my favorite discussions here, are semantics. we are going to hear that, because people who raise taxes repeatedly usually don't get reelected because people aren't real easyy about that, we'll hear, we're not raising anybody's taxes. we are just letting this set of tax rates expire. . . if i made 1 0 bucks and i would have a tough time to the people we represent imichigan and ohio, how is that not a tax increase? with a straight f