mr. tidwell: we do not wait. sen. murkowski: ok, but i need to know. mr. tidwell: we position resources where they are needed. sen. murkowski: ok. senator cantwell. sen. cantwell: chief tidwell, i want to go back to the question i asked before any we couldn't get to that, the funding available versus the amount of on the urban interface. where do you think we need to go in getting resources? thewhat do you think biomass program i do to help? the increase in funding we received this year for hazardous fields and where of the well and is on the urban interface, that will allow us to expand the program and treat more acres. for instance, we are having 2.5 million acres as our target for -- this year and 2.1 will occur in the highest priority areas. it is findingt of more use for the biomass, and whether it is through an integrated wood products that can expand markets or be able to conversion,nergy and substitute that for other energy sources, those are the things we have to continue to work on. if we have been able to use the authorities that subsidize itnspo