mr. toomey, thank you.n you announced that you were going to challenge arlen specter for renomination, you beat him in the polls, and then he switched parties. what are voters to make of that? >> well, i think what it demonstrates is that the only principle that's important to arlen specter is his own re-election. he had criss-crossed pennsylvania adamantly insisting he would never leave the republican party. about a week later when he saw he couldn't win this primary, he immediately abandoned the party. so i think it's pretty clear the only thing important to arlen specter is his own political survival. >> do you think he's a liberal democrat as he's been voting lately? is that who he is? you've known him for years. is he a liberal democrat as you know it right now? >> chris, arlen specter is whatever he thinks the political calculus suggests he should be at any moment in time. right now that means liberal democrat because he's got a primary challenge from the left. if he manages to get by that, which i do