. >> mr. tracy, why did they kill him?speculation that he had had had information about hernandez' involvement in a double murder a year before speculation that he had possibly talked to people about it speculation the close relationship they were going out with two sisters, meaning hernandez fiance was one girl and oden lloyd's, her sister was oden lloyd's girlfriend. so that rumors were getting around about a previous murder that hernandez was the suspect in. that's the double murder in boston that he awaits trial on. >> hernandez has been charged with those too? >> that's right. the double murders preceded this murder. >> for the people around the country that doesn't follow this as much as boston people do, bob. so you have hernandez basically charged with three murders now. this was the first case. and he alleged -- not allegedly, he has been convicted of killing mr. lloyd because mr. lloyd knew about the first drive by murder. now, it wasn't until the summation of the defense attorney for mr. hernandez who is a new e