mr. tuitui at this moment? mr. rose, we can go to your report. >> [speaker not understood]. of that amount 1,73 1,5 37 are ongoing savings and 225,112 [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood]. or 11.4% in the department's 14-15 budget. we also recommend closing our prior year unexpended general fund incumbrances. [speaker not understood] in saving to the city's general fund in 14-15. our recommended reduction to the proposed budget total 2,136,185 in 15-16. of that amount [speaker not understood] are ongoing savings and 233,8 13 are one-time savings a the department stated we're still working with the department and we will report back to the committee on our final recommendations next week. >> okay, thank you, mr. rose. we do have a few questions. supervisor breed. >> yes, mr. rose, can you explain to me why there wasn't additional reductions made to the current allocated materials and supplies? specifically the note there is an expectation in this current budget year to increase material and supplies budget, but you noted that there was a carry forward balance of