mr. tunney. the intent to also potentially apply for the trees on howard street? >> yes. >> these trees are on the west side of the building, aren't they? >> yes. >> how are these trees that are in set into building, the olive tree is going to flourish? >> they don't need a lot of water. they are drought resistant and they will get the sun they need deferred to the arborist if that's an issue, but we are not concerned about their growth. >> i don't think they will get any sun with that orientation. >> hi. i'm roy lath. the arborist. i have a city maintained olive tree outside of my house and my house is over 40 feet tall and olive tree is over 30 feet tall and it has a lot of growth even though it's north facing exposure and howard street is north facing exposure. i don't expect it to grow as fast as the south side of the building, but they will grow and tolerate low light conditions and there is a fair amount of reflected heat where there are big buildings in a lot of surfaces. i think they will flourish pretty well. >> why are you simply advocating replacing six