mr. udall: thank you. let me thank my colleague, senator warren, for those very eloquent remarks.d the senator she traveled with have taught us a lot. we've heard her comments, and she's right. our values in the united states of america are accepting and open to refugees who flee violence and persecution. and that's the country we are. so i thank you very much for your remarks and as i've said, we all have learned very much from you and that trip that you took and what you shared with us. before i begin my remarks today, in addition to the things that i've just said, i wanted first to pause for a moment and say a few words about the paris attacks last friday, mr. president. mr. president, the people of new mexico and the people the world over are grieving for those who were killed and injured in the horrific attacks that have just been talked about by senator warren and others who have come to the floor today. earlier today we had a moment of silence to recognize them, and i just want to say that our thoughts are with the french people, and we are united in our resolve to fight th