mr. udall: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from new mexico. mr. udall: thank you, mr. president, for the recognition. and let me begin today by commending the efforts of senators murkowski and manchin for working across the aisle to bring an energy bill to the floor. this bill has positive initiatives promoting energy efficiency, modernizing the electric grid, and research funding for clean energy. but the full senate deserves a chance to be heard on the important issues at stake with this bill. namely, energy. most importantly, we must take real action on climate change and address a problematic provision in this bill to limit environmental reviews of massive, potentially toxic mining projects. everywhere we look, we're experiencing the devastating effects of climate change, whether it's hurricanes along the southeastern coast, flooding in the midwest, drought in the southwest, or out-of-control wildfires in california. and we're careening too close to climate change tipping points that scientists warned will doom the planet. the bill before us do