mr. updike, i don't know if you have any remarks -- mr. updike, mr. updike, i don't know if you have any last-minute remarks that you wanted to share. >> thank you, chair cohen. john updike, director of real estate. i think the only things i would add would be we are certainly willing to cooperate with the law library and provide a clean, healthy environment in a modular facility within brooks hall so that the work of culling through this collection and determining what can move to the new location, what may need to be destroyed or otherwise addressed can be done in a safe environment for their staff. >>supervisor cohen: okay. >> so we stand ready to do that, but we do not have, as you accurately noted, the resources and the expertise to make those decisions, so we have simply made sure that the boxes are safe where they are, but that's the best, unfortunately, we can do in a nonclimate controlled environment that brooks hall is. the only other thing i would add is the lease does permit general office use, in addition to the current law library use, so