mr. speaker, ranking member waxman and i have sent on etters to chairman upton the energy and commerce committee, and chairman whitfield of the energy and power committee. dealing with climate change. mr. speaker, since mr. waxman and i are not able to get the majority on the energy and mmerce committee to act, i take it upon myself to come to the house floor to speak directly to the american people on why this issue is so the power to hem, the people. mr. speaker, last year, 2012, marked the hottest year ever ecorded in u.s. history. more than 2/3 of our nation of ienced drought, half nation's grazing pastures and up to 30% of the nation's corn crop was in poor condition or in very poor condition. which impacted the price that for merican people pay their food, for ethanol and for consumer goods for all the american people. mr. speaker, just because some of my colleagues might not like what the science is telling us, it does not mean that they can continue to put their collective heads in the sand and ignore, simply ignore these facts away. these last year -- last year's record droughts, s, ser