mr. valadao: so this week my bill comes up. this bill is something that's very personal to me because i'm a farm. i grew up in the central valley. decided to run for congress. but my background is still agriculture, i still farm to this day. and watching all my friends and neighbors, the people living in my community, suffer because of the regulations that are passed by this building, we're trying to change that. we've got a new piece of legislation that really makes a difference but to the folks who live in the valley, when you look around to all the folks who have now lost their jobs, i mean, we've got people living in shacks alongside of the road and it's gotten to that point where we're trucking water to some of these homes. it's a real dire situation. and for most people around the nation, they think this doesn't affect them, you've got to remember that we grow food. we grow food for everybody around the nation. this is having a real impact. i know every mother, every father out there, when they're budgeting what money the