mr. validere. >> hispanic women can have permanently disabling birth defect, 70% of these can be prevented if women of childbearing age had adequate levels of b vitamin. before end in early pregnancy. for over a decade our nation has mandated folic acid be added to cereal graiproducts. this does not include a staple of many hispanic women's diets. scientists and if the petition was filed with the fda over a year ago the proposal to allow the addition of folic acid to products like corn and tortilla. what is the status of fda's review of this position and does little ridge you to a short expedient and reasonable review the petition and be mindful that these things continue to occur while the fda delivery to the >> this is an important public health issue and i have been briefed on it and where of it. i am not up to speed on the timing of the review and define a i would like to get back to you with information on that but it is certainly an issue that is on our radar screen and being worked on and i will give you more specific information if i may. >> thank you. >> thank you very much for be