mr. van hollen. on the floor, specifically referring to what now mr. hall says is a lesser prohibition than what he brings forward. i presume that, therefore, their review of the constitutionality of this now reveals to them that it is constitutional for us to do this and that the statements that were made last week on the floor against my motion to recommit are in fact inoperative. here's what mr. van hollen said. you're denying american citizens and voters the right to contribute to campaigns to participate freely in campaigns. he's referring specifically to the section that i had in the bill talking about lobbyists. now you're saying they may not perform any lobbying activities whatsoever. i agree with the intent. i hope it is in fact constitutional. but it is remarkable that you can come on the floor and condemn something as being blatantly unconstitutional, get a majority, vast majority, 216 members of the democratic party voting against it, and then a week later come back and say, look at us, we are now presenting a real tough restriction that's