mr. von hoffman, that the you can't get perfect stability given that you're going to have governments. given they're legitimate functions of governments. there are also risks in having the government be as active as it is today. i think that is a god that has failed. i that we have too much of it and need less of it. i think it has failed to prevent both the modern forms of economic instability, the pre-war ones. i do not think that government is the original or primary source of that instability, and i do think that simply getting rid of the government or greatly reducing it, which i'm in favor of by itself, remove the instability. i would put it this way. there was there was a great economist with a suitably esoteric doctrine which could nevertheless be translated did as dr. friedman did in the film, a simple english at the same time as was the widespread hardship of the great depression and, the natural yearning of human beings, not repeat anything like it. so you have a coincidence of an appropriate theory with an appropriate public sentiment. and i suppose the symbol in the united