mr. walberg: thank you, mr. speaker. a new year brings a new per expectively and many a fresh start. many of my hardworking constituents hope this year will bring a healthy economy with increased opportunities. my house colleagues and i didn't need a new year to make this our goal. last year we passed dozens of bills making job creation and expanding opportunity our central focus. this included bills to make energy more affordable, repeal obamacare and expand education for students and job seekers. if the senate would only act on these measures, we could offer more opportunities for our constituents today. bills like the energy consumers relief act, halting major new regulations that increase prices and hurt the economy. the northern routes approval act, to finally approve the keystone pipeline and immediately create thousands of good-paying jobs. or the skills act, to eliminate and streamline dozens of overlapping federal programs and help connect job seekers with the skills they need. i look forward, mr. speaker, to continue to work with my colleagues, supporting additional measure