mr. secretary. [applause] i now am going to turn things over to mayor brian waller from new jersey because he is the person responsible for our next special guest that he's going to introduce and give a proper introduction to. >> thank you, mayor plead doe. it gives me great pleasure on behalf of the residents of the sixth congressional district and the dais to introduce the congressman represents our two towns, especially after redistricting. and congressman pallone's a 12-term congressman who serves on the energy committee. >> correct. >> and congressman pallone has been a leader on the environment for all those years and, also, on the energy issues and is at the forefront with our home state senator, senator menendez, in fighting for the energy block grant program which many of the towns across this dais here today were able to receive direct-funded grants for energy assistance and direct block grants. so, with that, i'd like to thank congressman pallone for spending some time down here with the united states council of mayors. and with that, we're going to get you the mic over here. >> thank you