watson. [ clears throat ] hmm. but in the hands of my friend, mr. ck holmes, the violin ceases to be a musical instrument at all and becomes... watson, we are about to have guests. how could you possibly -- [ knock on door ] be a good fellow and answer that. let's not keep the inspector waiting. la forge: inspector who? lestrade, of course. lestrade: holmes, are you there, man? oh, thank the almighty you're available today, holmes. i'm in a deuce of a dilemma. data: and may i say your perturbation becomes you, inspector lestrade, whilst simultaneously affording me the opportunity to yet again serve queen and country. data, holmes really talk like that? absolutely. lestrade: we need your help, holmes. you see this gentleman here, the emissary of a foreign government, has been the victim of a most accidentally wicked crime. damn. haven't they invented the electric light by now? what, dear fellow? [ clicking tongue ] watson. pray continue, inspector. lestrade: to put the matter simply, holmes, this man was accosted by gypsies intent on depriving him of