mr. wayne strohman, who is the chair of the board for 2012. >> without objection. >> thank you. madam chair, i think mr. miller has made some salient points. we find ourselves with people making decisions that are not entirely familiar with the empirical evidence. i do believe that we have to revisit some of these issues so as to tweak a system that we have in place. my belief is that this is something that is salvageable, something that's doable. i think that we just have to find a way to work on this project and focus on the question before us. i've had an opportunity to talk to realtors so i have some first-hand information about what's going on in my city. first-hand information. i've talked to many realtors about this concern. i have even gone so far as to talk to people who do the actual appraisals and they, too, have some concerns. so i thank you for hosting this hearing. i'm looking forward to hearing much of the evidence and i have to say, much of it because as you know, there are many things happening today without getting into all of what's going on, and i'm being pull