mr. webb apparently included a shot of his entire webb browser when he posted his item.the other open tabs on the web browser including to appear what are naughty video sites. when asked by why he was browsing those sites, mr. webb said it was for research. to his credit, he pointed out as the candidate with libertarian views, adults ought to be allowed to do adult things. waze started a carpool feature. you can find people going your way. a new study says southwest airlines totally changed the world of scientific research. statisticians looked at how often scientists collaborate on scientist papers and research before and after southwest came to their town. when southwest comes to a city, fares drop 20%, travel jumps 40%. they compare the papers written in that town before and after southwest arrives, and determined there was a huge correlation between southwest and the number of times scientists went and met with other scientists. southwest airlines is moving science forward. >> who was this study sponsored by? >> it was done by a german university. >> not sou